Last April I was lucky to witness Matsu goddess procession right in my district near Fengchia Park in Taichung. Matsu goddess procession is one of the most important religious rituals in Taiwan and especially in central region of Taiwan, mainly of course because of DaJia Matsu Temple, from where most biggest Matsu event usually starts.
As points out:
Matsu's birthday falls on the 23rd day of the third lunar month, but is usually celebrated earlier with a pilgrimage to sister Matsu temples. The pilgrimage procession starts from the Chenlan Temple in Dajia and goes hundreds of kilometers through Taichung, Changhua, Yunlin and Chiayi counties before returning to Dajia eight days later. "
This time however, "another" Matsu arrived on Fengchia street, and a woman in nearby restarant was kind enough to say a story, which follows exactly this Matsu. I am re-writing the story from her words, so if someone knows some discrepancies, please point them out in comments.
There was a parents, who's daugther recently died. At the same time, some businessman (she told us exactly this - businessman), saw in a dream this woman, which he never knew before, and she asked him go find her parents, and tell them, that near their house, under the tree, there is a gold buried. Businessman found the parents and told them about his dream and they really found gold. After that, frustrated and shocked they went to temple for prey, and found that Matsu goddess is crying.
Well, it seems a kind of Virgin Mary Statue Crying story.
Anyway, that's a story behind this Matsu, and my goal is to show anyone this procession as it looks like - photos and videos are to follow now.
Small temple host prepares for a ritual dance to meet Matsu when she will arrive. Procession at this moment is pretty close, as you can see the motorbike approaching with a flag - they are following procession, and some goes before it.
Here are some more photos of this man:
Notice the red "snake" on a street - fireworks are prepared to make as much noise as possible - Taiwan is loud country. Just remember what noise are made at Bombing the Dragon Festival - videos are here.
It's really meditation now - watch how he concentrates for a dance.
And here they come:
2 police cars escorts procession. Singing bettelnut style girls and drummers are going first.
Followers keeping flags in hands rushes over the street trying to catch the procession.
Eventually it stops, so you can enjoy the drums more:
Finally Matsu arrives - and most interesting moment happens - man meets Matsu by ritual dance. Just watch above video!
Welcome, Matsu!
At this moment you may think, that most interesting is over. No! Most interesting starts just now. Watch below! There is one more Matsu? I could not figure out, but seems this one is more important one, as now fireworks were launched, and noise were such that my camera one moment even lost connection with hard disk.
Also singing "bettelnut style" girls, photographed below, are seen here on video as they perform.
Very religious, isn't she?
This girl was so scared from fireworks and all the sounds that stopped singing and tried to hind in a car.
One more Matsu coming? Considering the noise, more important one.
Smaller than first one, but noise is much bigger.
Man in action also here.
...and they leave, just smoke and people with cameras and mobile phones in hands left.
Nice story! I did not know there is Matsu temple in Taichung, otherwise I have seen it.
Posted by: mountaincat | May 11, 2009 at 10:24 AM
Mountaincat, thanks for the comment. In fact I am not sure, that Matsu featured there came from Taichung, it's more likely that it did not. I could be even from Dajia, but of course no one could tell me anything exact there, at least those, which I asked :(
Posted by: Author | May 11, 2009 at 10:35 AM